DC Jacks or "power jacks" can become damaged after a trauma or accident. This will prevent the laptop from charging the battery or failing to power the system on after the battery has fully discharged.
Does your laptop have a broken DC power jack?
Symptoms of Faulty DC-Jack:
Laptop only operates when you hold the DC power plug in a certain position
Laptop only runs on battery power (no power is getting through the DC jack)
Laptop gets no power at all
Laptop will not charge the battery
Laptop switches from AC power to battery power intermittently (loose or broken power jack)
Laptop suddenly shuts off
DC jack may feel loose when you wiggle port
Sparks come out of the port when you insert the power plug into the DC jack
How a DC-Jack Gets Damaged:
The DC power jack on most models of laptops do not have enough reinforcement within the structure of the casing and motherboard to handle the stress caused by movement of the power plug
Some DC jacks simply fail under normal operation of your computer. After a year or two of usage
Laptop gets dropped and the plug jerks the DC jack loose
People, pets and vacuum cleaners trip over laptop power cords and break the DC power jack
Laptop is moved often when plugged in. After time, the stress causes it to come loose
In some cases the DC jack was not soldered onto the motherboard well
Contact us for more information on how we can revive your dead laptop with a new power jack.